A couple of months ago, a friend of mine expressed their discomfort towards “religion” after I had posted a multitude of Bible verses online. Now, given that their issue was actually quite common among the people I knew— and in our society in general— I felt compelled to write a rather lengthy response in hopes of helping them understand. Since it’s pretty general, and many I know have struggled with these exact things, I figured I might as well share my response here for all to read. Hello, I can understand why religion would make people uncomfortable, especially if you have had negative past experiences with it or maybe even "religious" parents. But please know I do not mean to offend you or anyone in anyway, rathermore I am pointing to help, to the solution if you will. Bear with me as I explain, please :] I'm not talking/posting about religion, I'm talking about Jesus. If you wanna be technical, sure, yes Christianity (or Baptist or Nazarene or whatever the other names for it I've heard, names don't matter tho) might be classified as a world religion, but when I say religion (and what most think when they hear that word) is a strict set of rules and laws and demands, and a system in which someone is required to work or "be good" to go to heaven. I'm not talking about religion, in fact in the Bible, Jesus many MANY times denounced the so-called religious leaders of His day. The Jewish religious leaders were strict and stern people, who believed they were these righteous people because of the rules they followed, and the rules they enforced on others. They didn’t really care for people, and thought they were these awesome self-righteous people and loved the attention they got from people, and they treated people awfully, especially the weak and the sick people, such as the lepers. This is the attitude you see a lot of religions with today, isn’t it? Bent on rules and screaming at people to follow their laws or die. Religion in this sense, yes, is a terrible thing, and I understand why people hate it so much, and try to avoid it. There is a verse in the Bible in fact that addresses what these so called religious people have done, the damage they have caused. This is a slight paraphrase lol; “The name of God is blasphemed among unbelievers because of ‘religionists’” (Romans 2:24). In other words, because of these “religious” parents and people many have been exposed to in their life, or perhaps what the media shows of it, and so on, people get the completely WRONG idea of God. In fact, the entire book of Romans (a book in the latter part of the Bible) goes over how religion is useless, how religion can’t change or save anyone, and how only Jesus saves and changes us. Religious people (such as the pharisees in Jesus’ day, or perhaps stern religious parents many people I know have grown up with, or perhaps even you, I just know many grow up with people like that) are totally focused on rules and thinking that they must follow rules and be perfect to achieve acceptance from God, to get to heaven. They are only focused on external matters. As my pastor once said, “religion doesn’t give you a way to change your heart. It’s just head knowledge and hypocrisy.” But Jesus taught the exact opposite, He taught that laws and rules don’t make people good, or better, or righteous whatsoever, that food and other things don’t make you “unclean.” He taught it’s what comes OUT of a man that matters, what’s in someone’s heart, not the external things they do, or eat or take in. Very contrary to what those religious people you see today doing and saying, right? So focused on rules and condemning others and being strict and all of that. I recall many testimonies from members from my church, where they had previously been Catholic or Mormon, both religions focused on rules and laws, as they all are. They were miserable people. But Jesus freed them, changed them, because that’s what He came to do. You see, God KNOWS that we are weak, that we are unable to perfectly follow the rules and laws. I have heard it said that people who think they must/can follow all of the rules and laws to be righteous are either one of two things: delusionally proud, or irrationally fearful. You know why? Because it’s impossible, and God knows that. “By works of the law, no human being will be justified in (God’s) sight.” Romans 3:20. The law (the rules) is meant to show us how far we fall short, how we can’t possibly keep all these rules and demands. Yet, religious people you see today are so delusionally prideful of themselves, thinking that this is possible, and imposing these impossible demands on others, and therefore creating many people who are just left in despair, hating religion and having the totally wrong view of God. They are scared away from God, despite the fact that God is the only one who can help them. Let me show you something. “For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by FAITH.” Romans 3:23-25. This verse right here completely and immediately debunks religions and the religious people within them who believe they can keep all the rules to be made right with God, to be justified, to go to Heaven. But in the Bible, we clearly see that this popular “follow the rules or die” idea of religion is completely and utterly false, that there is no hope in that whatsoever. It’s no wonder people are so against religion, so many are raised up in these strict households where parents scream at their children that if they wear a certain brand of shoes or watch movies, they’ll go to hell. This could not be further from the truth that is so clearly shown in the Bible and repeated over and over and over. You see, religion is useless, it does no good, it’s just about external actions and laws. It does nothing to change people or help anyone, really. It’s JESUS, Who changes people. From the first page to the last, the Bible is about Jesus. When Jesus is not there, it’s pointing to Him in one way or another. It’s NOT pointing to the rules or laws, like the Pharisees and religious leaders thought. Rather, all of these things are meant to point to Jesus, and to show us that rules and laws can’t save us. Rather rules and laws are there to show us how impossible they are to keep, and how we need help. Thankfully that help came in the Person of Jesus Christ, who lived the perfect, sinless life we never could, who kept every rule and law, and then died the terrible death we deserved on the cross, dying for our sins (our mistakes, wrongdoings, etc.) and then rose again on the third day. If you want to see Jesus’ story and what He did, said, came to accomplish, etc. I suggest reading through the book of John in the Bible. THere you can see how loving Jesus was, how He was compassionate towards people, merciful and wise and powerful etc. The people the religious leaders hated, despised, the people the religious leaders casted out and rejected and neglected, Jesus helped. Jesus Himself even said “it’s the sick who need a doctor.” Jesus spent His time ministering, healing, helping, teaching and talking to lepers, prostitutes, tax collectors, people who were looked down on in society and rejected by all. And today, He is still doing the same thing, reaching out to helpless people like you and me. He invites all to come to Him for life. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him (Jesus). Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” John 3:16-18. Religious people you see today sure don’t seem to remember this passage, do they? All they do is go around and condemn people. Yet, what did Jesus do? We clearly see here in these verses, and in the entirety of John, and the other Gospel accounts, that Jesus came to SAVE, that He is loving, caring, merciful, etc. All things that religious people don’t show at all, huh? Yes, it is true, many people have done TERRIBLE things in the name of God, many so-called Christians or various other religions have committed terrible things but I’m not talking to you about them. I’m talking to you about JESUS, and what He’s done. People are sinful, we all are, and we do terrible things, that’s very evident in history. And it’s exactly why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins and then rise again-- because we are so sinful, and we need a Savior. He is that Savior, and the only Savior, and He is available to all who will call upon Him in faith. I am still very much a work in progress, but God has done wonders in my life. And I can testify from my own personal experience, as well as what I have seen in the lives of my parents (both previous alcoholics and drug addicts) that Jesus really DOES change people. Religion does NOT. But Jesus does. Remember that. I am sorry if religious people have caused you confusion or pain or heartache, but I just wanted to write this to show you that it’s not about religion at all. It’s not about the religious people you’ve known or what you’ve seen. It’s about Jesus. So forget everything you knew or saw, just get to know Jesus. Again, I recommend reading the book of John in the Bible for starters :) ANd I am sorry that posting verses and such makes you uncomfortable, but I am only trying to spread the truth and light of Jesus to all I can. Not religion. Jesus. Please do consider all that i have said, don’t just brush it off. Some bonus verses to think about; “BUT NOW! The righteousness of God has been manifested (revealed) APART from the works of the law, though the law and prophets bear witness (point to) it-- the righteousness of God that comes through FAITH in Jesus Christ, for all who believe.” Romans 3:21-22. “Rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we have received reconciliation” Romans 5:11. “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23. If you have questions, please head over to the “Contact Us” section of this website and consider emailing my pastor. He is so kind and helpful and I know he’d be more than happy to help you and answer any questions you may have.
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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